Functions and examples


Validates the document number passed as a paremeter.

Parameters:ci (str) – The document number to validate. Any non-digit characters are ignored. A number can be passed as a parameter as well.
Returns:True if the document number is valid, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
Raises:ValueError – if ci, without including the validation digit, is lower than 100.000 or higher than 9.999.999.
>>> ciuy.validate_ci(1.234.567-2)

Returns the validation digit for a given document number.

Parameters:ci (str) – The document number for which one wants to find the validation digit. Any non-digit characters are ignored. A number can be passed as a parameter as well.
Returns:The validation digit.
Return type:bool
Raises:ValueError – if ciis lower than 100.000 or higher than 9.999.999.
>>> ciuy.validation_digit(1.234.567)

Returns a random document number, including validation digit. The document number is in the (100.000, 9.999.999) range.

Returns:A random valid document number.
Return type:str
>>> ciuy.random()